11th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
March 23, 2024Zoe Prieto Comments Off on 11th Annual Charity Golf TournamentJoin us for a fun game of Golf and help us raise funds to help the underprivilege children of our community.

Join us for a fun game of Golf and help us raise funds to help the underprivilege children of our community.
This event happens once a year and for the past 9 year we’ve been blessed with amazing sponsors, beautiful kindhearted volunteers that take the day off of work to support what we do for our community. My appreciation and love go out to all of them beginning with my family, and friends for always saying yes. My SPONSORS are the best they always support our cause to help the neediest families, and Children. The NuVue Industries, City of Hialeah Gardens Mayor Yioset de la Cruz, The Brunetti Foundation, My brother Eddy Gonzalez Sun City Strategies, State Representative Alex Rizo, Cayon Family Foundation, Gonzalez & Sons, Hialeah Benevolent Association, Better Florida Education Senator Manny Diaz, Roly’s Forklift, Gus Machdo Ford, Village of Virginia Gardens, De La Hoz Associates, Dez-Dez National Super Market Carlos Hernandez, New Dade Jesus Tundidor, David Custin, Miami FOP, Rock International, AJ Signs, Wichy Consulting, Commissioner Rene Garcia, Oliva Cigars, Wolfpack Consulting, Gonzalez & Sons, Hialeah Chamber of Commerce, COHEA, The Martell Group, Commissioner Jose Pepe Diaz, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT FROM DAY ONE!!!!! Save the Date
Our 7th Annual Pig Cook off was a sucess we were able to raise $20,000.00 for a beautiful young girl by the name of Allison Cisneros Mendez and her family for her treatment and their expenses Unfortunately, Allison lost her battle with Cancer. Our hearts go out to her family and thankful to each and every one of our sponsors and everyone that joined us for this event. We will continue fighting for as many children going through this horrible disease.
Today our foundation
#Children_in_action visited 20 schools to deliver the bikes that were raffles at our 9th Annual Toy Drive on Tuesday thanks to our amazing Santa’s helpers
, we were able to deliver 150 bikes in one day I can’t thank each and everyone of you enough for always helping our foundation may God continue blessing all of you more pics to come
Our annual toy drive was a success it’s been hard to get them together due to covid but thank God this year we did, and it was beautiful seeing their happy faces once again. I want to thank Hialeah Park for allowing us to do this wonderful event for over 400 underprivilege students of MDCPS, City of Hialeah benevolent Association and our amazing Heroes for showing the children how to stay safe from Fire, The Hialeah Police for supporting our event and showing the children about how they help them stay safe.
And I can’t forget all our amazing volunteers that helps us every year making this event a sucess for the children. Our Mayor Steve Bovo, Commissioner Rene Garcia, Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz, Our Fire Chief Willy Guerra, and his amazing staff, Terry Miyares, Sandra Rodriguez, my brother Eddy Gonzalez, Maria Febles, Vanessa Ledo, Jenny Williams and the Key Club for the Hialeah Educational Academy. Mathew and Stacey Muñoz whom besides being family they are part of the Benevolent Association.
Yesterday on our way down to the keys we stopped By this beautiful Princess home which is our nominee for this upcoming year Police vs Fire Pig Roast On February 29th 2020 she is going to a rare type of cancer that has affected her walking she is 9 years old and her name is
Our foundation #Children_in_action Niños En Accion Niños Accion sent money to our mission in the Dominican Republic so that our Pastor Freddy Cabrera that leads our mission over there can distribute toys to the children as we couldn’t make it this year this is the first group in the capital May God continue blessing all of you Merry Christmas
Nuestra fundación ninos en acción children_in_action les envió dinero a nuestro director de missiones en la republica dominicana nuestro Pastor Freddy Cabrera para que compraran regalaros para los niños ya que nosotros este año no pudimos ir esta fue la entrega este pasado fin de semana en la Capital que Dios me los continué Bendiciendo a todos Feliz Navidad
Today our foundation Niños En Accion #Children_in_action visited 20 schools to deliver the bikes that were raffles at our 9th Annual Toy Drive on Tuesday thanks to our amazing Santa’s helpers Vivian Casáls-Muñoz, Bobby Williams, Sergio Lambo, Dunieska Gallardo, Lissy, Yazminsbeautysalon Corp, Jorge Gonzalez , we were able to deliver 150 bikes in one day I can’t thank each and everyone of you enough for always helping our foundation may God continue blessing all of you more pics to come